12" Buddha Maitreya the Christ Adams Earth Grid - Sacred Geomancy Meditation Healing Tool

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  • $910.00
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Enhance the energy of your home, office, healing room or meditation space with this three-dimensional sacred geometric Adams Earth Grid Metatronic form representing the divine order of reality and principle of Life itself. The form is blessed by Buddha Maitreya the Christ, the American born incarnation of Buddha whose healing energy awakens the geomancy of the form, radiating light and vitality for healing and meditation.
Hold in the hands or place on the body during meditation or for healing. Hang to create sacred space or to meditate under. When hung in a room, the forms increase natural Chi energy and create an energetic field that radiates out, constantly transmuting negative energy and blessing and transforming the energy of any space.
Sacred geomancy is the divine order found within all nature and is used to awaken higher energies, align to the Soul and raise consciousness, allowing for the deepest levels of meditation, relaxation and healing. The natural laws of sacred geomancy are the simple universal forms found at the heart of nature and reflected in all world religions though the sacred forms of churches, temples, and stupas. Metatronics is based upon the Metatron’s Cube, a form which represents the Soul and Monad.
The Adams Earth Grid contains all 5 platonic solids - the Octahedron, Cube, Tetrahedron, Icosahedron and Dodecahedron - the interlocking building blocks of all Life in perfect symmetry, wholeness and beauty as one form. As one meditates with, or on, the form, one connects to the geometric patterns energetically - resonating quite naturally with the oscillating frequencies that come from Metatron (God) in relation to Heaven, the creation of Earth and the evolution of Humanity.
Perfectly handcrafted in 24K gold plated copper, the Large Adams Earth Grid measures approximately 12” in diameter. It comes with a complimentary Soul Therapy Meditation Music CD performed and produced by Buddha Maitreya the Christ to use together with the form for greatest effect, either for listening to when meditating or to play in a room 24/7 to help maintain the sacred space

Product Description

The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Adams Earth Grid is one of Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Shambhala Healing Tools - highly spiritual tools for Personal and Planetary Healing that transmit the Light of Love and healing blessings of the American born living reincarnation of Buddha to help a person attune to their higher mind and awaken, integrate and heal the Soul. Used on a daily basis, it helps to protect from astral influences, de-crystallize negative patterns or habits and truly heal mind, body and emotions. The tools are not based on religion but healing through the Science of the Soul that helps strengthen a person to make positive changes and evolve into a more harmless, spiritual way of life - Shambhala (Heaven on Earth). Using the Buddha Maitreya the Christ Adams Earth Grid daily helps a person develop a quieter mind, calmer emotions and more vitality - healing physical, emotional and mental problems and supporting a more caring, virtuous and loving reality in their daily life. Hang over any area like a bed or desk to help maintain a sacred space and transform, transmute and protect from negative energies. Never needs to be energetically cleared or cleansed.