Crystal Healing Earrings in Copper Wire - Quartz Crystal Vibrational Healing Tools

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  • $125.00
  • Regular price $172.50
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Wearing the Etheric Weaver Earrings helps awaken the Soul or Buddha Nature - the divine, enlightened essence within all Life. It helps a person enjoy a quieter mind, calmer emotions and more vitality by treating the Soul, the causal body, to heal physical, emotional and mental problems and support everyone to have a more caring, virtuous and loving reality in their daily life like a blessing.
One of Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Shambhala Healing Tools - highly spiritual tools that transmit the Monadic, Soul-filled Light of Love and healing blessings of the American born living incarnation of Buddha Maitreya. The tools are not based on a religion but healing through the Science of the Soul. They strengthen a person to make positive changes and evolve into a more harmless, spiritual way of life - Shambhala (Heaven on Earth)
More than jewelry, Etheric Weaver Earrings are unique Metatronic healing tools - highly spiritual forms created and blessed by Buddha Maitreya the Christ. When worn, they radiate out into the head centers balancing left and right hemispheres of the brain, protecting from negative energies and healing mind, body and emotions by healing and revitalizing the body's Etheric Field.
Each earring is a small 7/8" Etheric Weaver in clear or siberian colored quartz with neodymium rare earth magnets, and wrapped in coated copper wire. Esoterically, Violet aligns to the 6th Ray of the Solar Plexus of Devotion and Reverence. It helps heal the emotional attachment of desires and obsessions and releases the astral nature of hate and aggression to be transformed into Soulful Love. Use your intuition to choose the right color of Etheric Weaver Earrings for you.
Magnet Disclaimer: The Etheric Weaver Earrings combines the healing properties of neodymium rare earth magnets which while of benefit to many, should not be used within 6 feet of a person fitted with a pacemaker or any other form of electrical implant or device for medical reason of any kind

Product Description

Profoundly effective and simple to use meditation and healing tools - The Etheric Weaver Earrings are a form of vibrational, energy medicine that transmits the healing blessings of Buddha Maitreya the Christ, the American born living reincarnation of Gautama Buddha and Jesus Christ who is the Planetary Logos, to help a person attune to their higher mind and awaken, integrate and heal the Soul. Wearing Etheric Weaver Earrings on a daily basis helps to protect from astral influences, de-crystallize negative patterns or habits and truly heal mind, body and emotions. It can also be held over the hand or an area to be treated like a regular Etheric Weaver for healing treatments. Relax and hold the weaver and feel the Chi flowing into your Body. Hold it like a pendulum with a clear mind and without focusing on a question or outcome and the weaver will begin to move on its own as the energy flows between the body and the Chi. There is no technique or diagnostic focus, it works spontaneously in conjunction with the Chi of the Soul, and helps to radiate its light and vitality. Each pair of Etheric Weaver Earrings comes with Buddha MaitreyaÕs Soul Therapy Music on CD (a $15 value). Use the Etheric Weaver Earrings for meditation together with the Soul Therapy Music for greatest effect. Great for daily meditation, healing and self-healing. Naturally balances and aligns chakras and meridians. Has a transcendental effect and can be used for long distance healing using a photo or name. Can be used for space clearing as it clears, blesses and harmonizes any space. Use with people, plants, animals and things. Transforms, transmutes and protects from negative energies and never needs to be energetically cleared or cleansed.