They are designed to be hung on the wall, in a window, laid on the body or placed in a room. The larger forms include sacred geometric forms on the ends with a small 51-degree Pyramid in the center. When the form is hanging on the wall it radiates the Etheric field in a large way and in doing so it also absorbs astral glamour and delusion in the surrounding area.
Helps to heal physically, emotionally and mentally; to develop and strengthen virtue, self-realization and actualization of divine and soulful, Buddha nature. Has a calming, meditative effect allowing one to be more in the moment and able to respond to others in love, helping a person to truly develop more harmlessness in all aspects of life. The Rainbow Bridge of the Monad, Soul and Personality can develop and transcend limiting forces and karma from past lives and this life.
Magnet Disclaimer: The Solar Forms combine the healing properties of neodymium rare earth magnets which while of benefit to many, should not be used within 6 feet of a person fitted with a pacemaker or any other form of electrical implant or device for medical reason of any kind
Product Description
Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Large Christ Consciousness Shambhala Star has a six-pointed star sacred geometric design with six 4.5" Etheric Weavers aligned in perfect symmetry together with Icosahedrons on all six ends. It transmits and radiates the Monadic, Soul-filled healing blessings of Buddha Maitreya the Christ, the Planetary Logos. At the center of each form is one of Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Shambhala Star Pendants that helps to amplify the crystals and the form, greatly increasing the radiatory field of blessings and the form's power to heal, transform astral energy and increase prana for revitalization and healing. Each Form includes a complimentary MP3 download card of Buddha Maitreya the Christ’s Soul Therapy Music. Designed to be used together for daily meditation, healing and creating a sacred space.