Soloman Pentant~Pewter Celtic Knot Triscele Triskelion Pendant Necklace

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Perhaps the true secret of Celtic spirals lies in their simplicity and beauty. They are universal symbols of the spiritual balance between inner and outer consciousness. Celtic spirals are associated with the power of the sun and harmony with the earth. The Triskele, or Triskelion, is a three-pronged spiral representing the Celtic Triple Goddess and the three stages of womanhood: Maiden, Mother, Crone. The motif is based around the number 3 - a highly sacred number in most ancient cultures. The "Spiral of Life" is found on many ancient Irish stone carvings dating back to 2500 BC; most scholars believe it represents the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. The triple spiral represents the eternal truth and helps show us that the meaning of life is to find harmony between the three dimensions of our existence. A unique design from artist Holly Bird.