This pendant combines the "Talisman to Secure Eloquence" with the "Seal of Eloquence" (also known as the seal of Mercury). It has been traditionally used by performers, journalists, poets, teachers; anyone whose vocation relies on public speaking and expression. These seals were lifted from the "Greater Key of Solomon", a foundational grimoire of Western Esotericism that contains influences of Judaic mysticism/Kabbalah, Roman astrology and Hermetic alchemy. "Every one knoweth in the present day that from time immemorial Solomon possessed knowledge inspired by the wise teachings of an angel, to which he appeared so submissive and obedient, that in addition to the gift of wisdom, which he demanded, he obtained with profusion all the other virtues; which happened in order that knowledge worthy of eternal preservation might not be buried with his body." [The Greater Key of Solomon (1999), Liddell & Mathers]